View Full Version : EPHatch Vs. People's Republic of Irving (Abo. Dallas Meet tonite... Ticket)

01-05-2003, 12:19 AM
Hey guys, this is the dude with the yello Si with rims and a ghey custom intake. As you know, me and two other Si's left early to go watch some street races. Those two cops that were circling around... well, they weren't leaving. They were hiding.

As we head out, I was in the back, and one came out and was looking my Si up and down. I'm sure that not only was he picking on me because I was in the back, but my rims and loud intake probably got his attention as well. He's looking, looking, speeds up, sees my front bumper, and falls behind to turn on his lights. Shit, busted.

I pull into a parking lot, and turn off the car. He stepped out of his squadcar, goosestepped towards my door, and proceeded to communicate his undying allegience to Hitler. Inbetween alternating outbursts of vulgar profanity and emotional breakdowns, I caught the idea that I was being issued a citation for not having a front license plate - out of all things.

After getting the citation, I could have sworn that I have never been closer to assaulting a police officer with a deadly weapon. My cock. I would have slapped him in the face so hard with my genitals if there wasnt a seatbelt and a door keeping me from attacking.

He tells me that he has to bust people for little things because street racing is a problem. Gee asshole, maybe if you had a mind reader you'd know that we werent going racing. So, I swear to you, he says, "Have a nice night, drive safely."

I'm appauled the he has the audacity to tell me to have a "nice" night. Jackass, you ruined it. So, I immediately reply with, "Thanks, suck a dick." He had already started walking back though, but my brother who was with me says it was unbelievably audible and he probably heard me. Thats good. It's always good to reassert police officers of their cockassness.

That's my story. This happened only about 1 and a half hours ago. So my advice to anyone in the Dallas area that happens to be buzzing around Irving, put your fucking license plate up. You'll be happy you did... especially on a Saturday night.

01-05-2003, 12:36 AM
I just got busted also............no ticket just warning.........and my friend AJ with the Eclipse got pulled over also and got a ticket. They were waiting for us..........he was like "yall goin to street races" and I replied honestly "no......we dont street race...we have this get together from ephatch to meet other Si owners......bla bla bla" and hes like "oh ok.....well put that front plate on and have a good one." So I got off pretty lucky but my friend didnt. It was messed up.......one cop behind me.......the other on my left as I was about to pull out to the street and the one on my left hauled ass out in front of me cutting me off and got behind AJ and as soon as I pulled out to the street I got pulled over. No biggie for me cuz I didnt do anything wrong except my plate problem.

01-05-2003, 01:57 AM
Crapy, although I'm way over here in Cali, makes me want to put my plate on to avoid any prick cops.

01-05-2003, 02:08 AM

As if street racing isn't giving everyone who likes peformance cars enough of a bad image. ( Yes I know you were not street racing, just talking in general here).

Your attitude definately does not help either. It's no ones fault
but your own you got the fine. So just pay the fine and keep your
mouth closed.

If he did hear you, I hope you didn't have any EPhatch decals on your car. The next time that cop pulls one of us over he might not be so nice if he thinks you are representative of all our attitudes.

01-05-2003, 02:12 AM
I'm lucky, its not manditory to have a front plate on your car where i live. Wee! But if i had to i'd try to mount my front plate on some kind of a hinge , I was reading in superstreet, that on some of the cars in japan, they mount the front plate on a hinge, then durring high speeds, the front plate folds down on the hinge, making it not visible. Stupid cops busting people for street racing "even when they're not" is gay.

01-05-2003, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by SiRman

As if street racing isn't giving everyone who likes peformance cars enough of a bad image. ( Yes I know you were not street racing, just talking in general here).

Your attitude definately does not help either. It's no ones fault
but your own you got the fine. So just pay the fine and keep your
mouth closed.

If he did hear you, I hope you didn't have any EPhatch decals on your car. The next time that cop pulls one of us over he might not be so nice if he thinks you are representative of all our attitudes.

The fact is that I had already told him what was up and that I wasn't street racing and whatnot. He just didnt know when the right time was to issue tickets or not.

I'm not going to be paying the fine, as I find it rediculous as how he wants to give me a ticket, let other people go about it, and even when I told him why I didnt have it he still was a bitch. And, my dad thinks it's rediculous so even though I'm grounded (with reason, wtf was i doing all the way out in Irving anyway? We need to move that spot guys..) my dad isn't angry.

IceD out N CALI
01-05-2003, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by StrangeShadow
Crapy, although I'm way over here in Cali, makes me want to put my plate on to avoid any prick cops.

same here, but I wont. so far so good

01-05-2003, 12:51 PM
same here, but I wont. so far so good

That's cool, I haven't had a prb. either, and don't really feel like putting it back on(ruins the car), most cops jut stare in aw* when I drive by anyways,

01-05-2003, 01:07 PM
I wouldnt mess with the po-po.

Has anyone got their license palte moved over to the passenger side?

IceD out N CALI
01-05-2003, 01:10 PM
most cops jut stare in aw* when I drive by anyways

is that right;)

01-05-2003, 01:15 PM
The fact is that I had already told him what was up and that I wasn't street racing and whatnot. He just didnt know when the right time was to issue tickets or not.

Yeah, unfortunately you never know if the cop that pulls you over
is gonna be on a war path. It does suck that you got the ticket,
but it's not like it was the cops fault you didn't have a plate on.
To him you're just breakin the law. He was prob. a litlle jealous
of yur ride too.

Anyways, sorry if I came across a little harsh. Just bugs me when people give us a bad rep. .

ep pilot
01-05-2003, 01:18 PM
That said I will most likely be leaving my car stock looking, It's funny how a new Si can actually drive around un noticed to law enforcement in stock form, I think most see it as a Dx Civic, or think it's some kind of new Hybrid?

I will say that when I had my 2002 Jetta, I had 17" Superleggras on it lowered it 1.75" and drove around for 1 year with a front European license plate on it and never got pulled over. Also something else pretty funny. The day I drove my Ep home from the dealer I quickly pulled the dealers plastic plates off and bolted my europlate to the back and drove around for a month until my real plates came in, I got the most interesting stares and looks with that on, people would ask how did I import my Ep over here and if I was in the military.....blah....blaa... But I had a cop behind me once and never got pulled over for it, I'm not sure if it was even illegal since the car was brand new and my tags had not come yet.


01-05-2003, 02:16 PM
Maybe you should keep your other plate in your car so that if one pulls you over you could stick it in the dash and tell him its right there, and you have'nt had a chance to put the holder on..Thats what im going to start doing.

01-05-2003, 02:20 PM
actually im thinking about doing a simple lever with a pulley system that allows me to let the license plate fold up and down, because i hate seeing a stupid ass plate drilled onto my Big Bird. Anyone have any ideas about it? I'll hopefully start experimenting tonight. I'm thinking that with some steel cable and about 2-3 pulleys it'll work. shouldnt be that hard either.

01-05-2003, 02:54 PM
Okay..Bond, James Bond...

01-05-2003, 03:10 PM
i was thinking that exact same thing lmao

screw you robert, im going to teabag you.

01-06-2003, 12:15 AM
is that right

really, I've passed so many cops while speeding (w/out plates) doing like 60 in a 35 and likewise, i let off the gas fast and expect to see lights like the 4th of july behind me, but not once yet, either they're mesmerized or eating donuts.