View Full Version : Manny Kid 15: Please ship the seat brackets NOW

05-13-2012, 07:50 AM
So I bought this from Manny Kid on 4/26:

on 5/9 Tue, which was 2 weeks after paying for the item, I finally got a tracking number from him:

Sent him a message on 5/11 Fr and asked him when he is planning to ship it (as the tracking it only says only the shipping label was created, nothing was sent to the post office), NO reply even I'm pretty sure his last log on was on 5/12 Saturday

As of today, 5/13 Sun, the tracking is still the same, nothing is being sent to the post office. I sent Manny Kid 15 a message this morning, we will see how it goes.

05-13-2012, 08:10 AM
BTW I'm glad that when he asked me to send the money as a gift in paypal, I didn't do so. I covered the paypal fee and it was well worth it in case I need to file a dispute.

05-13-2012, 08:34 AM
Jeeze, he could've walked them to you by now...
Take care of your shit Manny. I am totally happy that I didn't end up buying your exhaust....
This is just fishy... :fish:

It's sad to see one bad hatcher put a bad reputation on the swap meet section. All experiences I've had were 100% honest and safe. I usually even send as gift... never again.

05-13-2012, 09:16 AM
What is with this guy? Didn't he just do this to another Hatcher with the shipping costs? Unless this kids dead or trapped under a rock there better be a damn good reason for this. Manny stop being a db and make it right with these guys before your kneecaps get busted up with a sledge

05-13-2012, 09:39 AM
WTF is going on, twice in one week? In for another excuse.

05-13-2012, 10:05 AM
lets get this resolved quick so ephatch doesn't turn in to honda-tech

05-13-2012, 10:20 AM

05-13-2012, 10:45 AM
something isnt right here, last time he tried dropping hundreds of dollars of shipping charges on the sellers of the items he bought, and now hes taking OVER 2 weeks to drop something off at the post office? 2 different situations in one week

05-13-2012, 11:25 AM
Sounds like he needed money really quick for a few other things...

05-13-2012, 11:43 AM
lets get this resolved quick so ephatch doesn't turn in to honda-tech

Seriously! Im gettin ready to sell an would like the trust of a seller... Quit f*uckig shit up

05-13-2012, 11:50 AM
Seriously! Im gettin ready to sell an would like the trust of a seller... Quit f*uckig shit up

lmk what your going to sell before you post lol.

This is 2x its happened already, way to destroy your rep Manny.

Nickle n Dimin
05-13-2012, 11:55 AM
he has been on since this thread has been made... let him come in and defend himself before we all jump to conclusions. probably got tied up in the other shipping fiasco. if not i dont know what to say some people should just stay out of the wtt wtb wts.

05-13-2012, 12:18 PM
Shit I'm happy I picked up the sway bar I bought from him.

05-13-2012, 12:35 PM
Another interesting thread...

Manny Kid 15
05-13-2012, 01:08 PM
I just want to take this time and apologize to midnight I have been hit by a bunch of shit this week that I hadn't even thought about your seat rails... I have already pmed you I will be dropping them off tomorrow... To answer everyone's questions I have been trying to get my ep up and running right now and needed to sell these items quickly... I have not been trying to screw anyone over I just have too many things on my plate right now with work, no car, personal issues, and this week was just horrible I apologize to everyone and just want to get you guys not to lose trust in Internet purchasing because of my lack of professionalism and not communicating with the buyers or my previous job about the shipping issues

Sent from MANNY KID 15 using Tapatalk

05-13-2012, 01:46 PM
my previous job about the shipping issues

why are you expecting your former job to take responsibility for shipping?

Manny Kid 15
05-13-2012, 01:51 PM
why are you expecting your former job to take responsibility for shipping?

Well I was referring to the other thread that someone on here made about the shipping cost not this thread

Sent from MANNY KID 15 using Tapatalk

05-14-2012, 05:33 PM

this is what I got from him yesterday (Sunday):

Sorry I haven't read any of your messages I get on tapatalk and it doesn't update whenever I get PMs... I am going to be sending it out tomorrow morning didn't have an address for you but when I logged on to PayPal I saw it there so I made the ups label i just haven't gotten a chance to go to my mechanics place to pick up the brackets since they are in my car and my car is in the shop currently

Really sorry about the long delay

As of today(Monday), UPS is still showing no package has been dropped off.

Shipping time of 2 days from So-Cal to Nor-Cal turns to close to 3 weeks and still no package at my doorstep.

Very disappointed, will be filing a dispute thru paypal by the end of tomorrow (Tuesday)

One advice for people buying stuff in a forum is that NEVER send money as a gift. I'm glad that I put down extra few bucks to save my ass.

05-14-2012, 05:38 PM

this is what I got from him yesterday (Sunday):

Sorry I haven't read any of your messages I get on tapatalk and it doesn't update whenever I get PMs... I am going to be sending it out tomorrow morning didn't have an address for you but when I logged on to PayPal I saw it there so I made the ups label i just haven't gotten a chance to go to my mechanics place to pick up the brackets since they are in my car and my car is in the shop currently

Really sorry about the long delay

As of today(Monday), UPS is still showing no package has been dropped off.

Shipping time of 2 days from So-Cal to Nor-Cal turns to close to 3 weeks and still no package at my doorstep.

Very disappointed, will be filing a dispute thru paypal by the end of tomorrow (Tuesday)

One advice for people buying stuff in a forum is that NEVER send money as a gift. I'm glad that I put down extra few bucks to save my ass.

Please update the Mods with the tracking number. I deal with shipping through my company regularly, and sometimes they do not update until 9pm at night.

But, you should have received your package by now........

Keep the Admins and Mods updated, please....

05-14-2012, 06:46 PM

05-14-2012, 08:18 PM
These past couple threads with this dude are just insane. Man the fuck up and get your shit done. No one cares about your work problems, money problems, or family problems when your being shady. We ALL have those same problems too If you would of been straight with people from the start, you wouldnt have all the mud on your face.

I can guarantee you , I wouldnt buy shit from Manny at this point, nor would a lot of others on here. It is a great thing the community looks out like watchdogs sometimes. This is one of those times. Is there any way to get the iTRADER feedback started for us? I just made my own thread, but a legit iTRADER feedback system would warn people to not do deals with people that have negatives.

05-14-2012, 08:56 PM
Itrader Would be nice.

Manny Kid 15
05-15-2012, 05:15 PM
So it went out already with a new tracking number
UPS ground
It wouldn't let me print out the other tracking number so I had to make a new one

Sent from MANNY KID 15 using Tapatalk