View Full Version : Clutch Bearing Noise

02-03-2003, 04:49 PM
Has anyone had a problem with their clutch at all. I have 7000Km on it (3000 miles) and when I start the car and release the clutch the sound is like a throw out bearing going metal to metal. Once it warms up it goes away. HEEEEEEELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!:'(

02-03-2003, 05:12 PM
This happens to my EP as well. But only when it's really cold out. Strange sound when I release the clutch after starting the car. I expect strange things to happen when it's really cold out so I don't think much about it. I'm just glad it starts...

But I am curious what others will say...

02-03-2003, 05:33 PM
Mine does the same thing also, sounds like a snare drum ratteling or something.

02-03-2003, 07:11 PM
happens to me too, lasts about 5 seconds.

02-03-2003, 09:05 PM
Mine too. I'm none too concerned. I'll let it ride out a few more years and then see if I can get warranty to cover my time for labour while I put in a grippy aftermarket clutch :p oh yeah, and a quieter TOB :D

02-03-2003, 11:58 PM
Speaking of clutch problems, does anyone here have problems with shifting ie a hard time shifting into first?
There seems to be more difficulty in shifting to first than any other gear, I wonder fi this happens to anyone else?

02-04-2003, 03:42 AM
Originally posted by DoMahMeGok
Speaking of clutch problems, does anyone here have problems with shifting ie a hard time shifting into first?
There seems to be more difficulty in shifting to first than any other gear, I wonder fi this happens to anyone else? Sometimes when it's cold. When it happens to me, I slide it to 2nd before going to 1st. Never force it.

02-04-2003, 06:25 AM
well i only have 4200 miles on mine but i am hearing this squeeking , creaking noise when i push the clutch in. my old honda did it too but i just figured cause it was a 90 and 12 years old. does anyone have this problem too or know what it is

02-04-2003, 07:22 AM
As far as not going into first easy, "you're granny shifting when you should've been double clutching" er, yeah enough shitty F&F quotes. But with my 91 Toyota 4x4, it's impossible on cold mornings to shift that badboy into 1st.. But if I depress the clutch twice, it pops into gear just fine.. though it does have 200,000 miles on it. I don't drive my EP when it's really cold, snowy, or shitty in any way, so I couldn't tell you if my clutch does the same. Or you could just do as lewjay says and pop it into second first.

Take Care....

02-04-2003, 12:45 PM
The noisy clutch bearing seems to be an old Honda tradition. I've had more than one that did that.
My EP clutch makes some noise too. It goes away after a short warm up.

02-04-2003, 01:56 PM
Mine was REALLY loud and never went away....Honda replaced it along with the PP,2-3-4th gears,and some other stuff.Now its QUIET like it should be.No noise at all.

02-04-2003, 10:10 PM
Mine does it too - on cold mornings, goes away after a minute though, im not too concerned if others are hearing the same thing though, i assume all the people hearing this rag on their EP's though

02-04-2003, 10:23 PM
Mine does it too when it's cold til it warms up, but I also have a problem putting into reverse. It won't go in reverse sometimes unless I go forward alittle then put it in reverse.

sonic imperial
02-05-2003, 07:11 AM
I have the same noise after starting the car if I let out the clutch and sit in neutral a minute. There's a change in noise under the hood. I also have a problem going into 1st when stopped and even after putting it into 2nd I sometimes can't get it into 1st, and I can audibly hear it go into all gears when sitting at a stop. I can forget going into 1st when the car is at a creep, when really I need 1st because 2nd is too high. I have to stop for a split 2nd and then go to 1st, and I've tried all the tricks about letting the clutch out in neutral and then going into gear, it still doesn't always work. I don't rag my car either, I rarely get over 4500RPM when doing any shifting. 2nd gear still makes scraping sounds until it's fully warm from driving and even then I get a faint sound each time I go into 2nd. I also have developed a sound under the hood that sounds like a chain rattling when I am accelerating in 3rd gear and sometimes 4th and 5th. It's not real loud, and it comes and goes. It's not a problem with the oil level, I've kept close tabs on that from day one. Many issues that I may need to get honda to look at, so far they don't keep me from driving it though, but I expected a little better quality. I just wonder how long will it be before soemthing actually tears up.