View Full Version : did anyone buy headers from this guy....

02-09-2003, 02:04 AM
i paid for hp headers on ebay from a guy named esobotik. after i paid him he never respionded, just wondering if anyone else bought headers from this guy. heres the item still on ebay.
i never bought anything from ebay, im worried that i have just been beat.

Item on ebay (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2402385816&category=33631)

02-09-2003, 02:57 AM
I bought my hp header from her. I'll pm you her phonenumber and you can ask about your order. She took her time with my header as well, but I did get it...eventually.

02-09-2003, 12:55 PM
Read the feedback. He/She whatever...says that they are closed on weekends. I'm not sure if that helps or not.

02-13-2003, 11:12 PM
damn its been a week since i called her and still she hasnt given me my tracking number. how'd you get her to send the headers lewjay? this girl is beginning to piss me off.

02-13-2003, 11:43 PM
It took her a week to ship mine. I just emailed for an update every other day. Blamed "computer problems" for the delay, but who the fuck knows. Anyway, I DID get the header so it depends on your tolerance level.

I'd email her now, if you don't get a response tomorrow, demand a refund.

02-14-2003, 06:09 AM
damn yo i should have just spent an extra 20 dollas and i would've gotten my headers already. i hate erin sobotik, imma hunt her down.

02-14-2003, 06:11 AM
On a side note, I assume by you discussion that the BASE rsx header is the same as the '02 Si header???

There are no modifications involved to use the rsx part on our Si's??

Just checkin'... Gettin' ready to invest in one myself...

02-14-2003, 06:24 AM
yup rsx base headers will fit our cars. dont buy it off esobotik, she ruined my perspective on ebay forever!!

02-14-2003, 07:01 AM
LOL.. you think that is bad?? I got my T3 rebuild kit from ebay and it took 3 weeks for the stupid guy to ship it. And when I got it, I was only able to use 65% of the parts.. all the rest was garbage. Cost me $70 when I could have gone down to a local turbo shop and got it for $95 (and be able to use all the parts.

Men spend $2 for a $1 item they need
Woman spend $1 for a $2 item they Dont need .

02-14-2003, 03:36 PM
yeah, they're cool...that's where I bought mine...took about a week

02-18-2003, 09:03 PM
why are u refering to esobotik as them? what is them? isnt it just one bitch?

02-19-2003, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by Whooopasss
Men spend $2 for a $1 item they need
Woman spend $1 for a $2 item they Dont need .
Heh sometimes I spend $1 for a $5 item I don't need then sell it to someone else for $4 and keep $3. Of course I've just made the metaphor 200x as complex.