View Full Version : Exhaust Voids Warranty???

02-24-2003, 02:43 PM
Well I called the Honda Dealership (not to sure if I spoke to the right person) but he said if I put an Exhaust on my car it will void the WHOLE Warranty!!! Is this true or did this guy just not know WTF he was talking about. If it is ture the I am going with an Axel Back Bolt on exhaust and I will bolt on the stock one if it needs to go back to Honda for any reasons

02-24-2003, 03:09 PM
No whoever you talked to was a fucking moron. No part you put on voids your whole warranty. For instance, I'm running nitrous, if my paint were to bubble, my paint is still under warranty. On top of that, even if I did modify a part of the drivetrain, the dealership/honda is obligated to prove that the aftermarket part that you added caused the failure to occur. Don't let piece of shit dealerships/service people/ and salespeople push you around. If they try that shit, have a lawyer write them a nice letter/drop a dime.

check out www.enjoythedrive.com for some info. It's the SEMA consumers website.


SiR Medic
02-24-2003, 04:19 PM
Can I get an "AMEN!


02-24-2003, 04:34 PM
besides, just keep your stock exhaust and if you do have problems with it, put your stock exhaust back on before you take it back, and Honda will be none the wiser.

02-24-2003, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by pocketrocket
No whoever you talked to was a fucking moron. No part you put on voids your whole warranty. For instance, I'm running nitrous, if my paint were to bubble, my paint is still under warranty. On top of that, even if I did modify a part of the drivetrain, the dealership/honda is obligated to prove that the aftermarket part that you added caused the failure to occur. Don't let piece of shit dealerships/service people/ and salespeople push you around. If they try that shit, have a lawyer write them a nice letter/drop a dime.

check out www.enjoythedrive.com for some info. It's the SEMA consumers website.


I was just going to say that!!

02-24-2003, 07:59 PM
Yea I have people telling me that too.....There are just DUMBASSES working at these dealerships. If I were to go in there and ask for a timing belt for a B18C1 they just look at you stupid. You have to tell them what kinda car it came in....DAMN They work at Honda and I know more about them then they do. Maybe I should work there then they would be offering motor swaps *LOL*

02-24-2003, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by ProspeedCTR
Yea I have people telling me that too.....There are just DUMBASSES working at these dealerships. If I were to go in there and ask for a timing belt for a B18C1 they just look at you stupid. You have to tell them what kinda car it came in....DAMN They work at Honda and I know more about them then they do. Maybe I should work there then they would be offering motor swaps *LOL*

Strange, but that is the first thing that was said to me when I test drove the type-s, "you should be selling cars".

Just blew it off, and in some respect, I would be a salesman waiting to drive, but honestly the people who know this car are the ones who drive them. Most dealerships are playing catch-up with the market, and you probably know more than most dealerships from just the info on this site.:)

02-24-2003, 09:15 PM
What dealership did you go to. When I asked questions at the dealership the answers were different for the most part, but they all agreed that everthing would be ok as long as it wasn't caused by the aftermarket part. After doing my two mods some of my friends told me that I would lose my warranty, but from what the dealer told me I was fine. Also to prove that I have taken my Si back to the dealer evertime for reg. main. and no one has said anything to me except how good my exhaust sounds( one technician liked how deep the sound was not like a fart cannon). I like the guys at Nalley Honda.

02-24-2003, 09:18 PM
Not that this has anything to do with this thread, but Prospeed we are having a Ga meet hopefully on the 2nd of March. Check out the local chapters for more info. Or just email me.

02-25-2003, 08:57 PM
(Bracing for a dealership bashing marathon)

In my short time @ my dealership I have learned/seen a lot of weird things associated with warranties and aftermarket/performance items. SOme of it bad but most of it good.

MOST (not all) people at a dealership, especially parts people, are so used to the generic parts questions like "do you carry a drivers inside door handle for my 91 accord in the red color" or "do you have a flux malmagutor for an 81 civic wagon" that we(yes I am one of them sometimes) fall into the standard what year/make/model/trim questions right from the start.
I myself know Honda engines pretty well so I dont freak out if someone asks for a b16 head gasket. But if I wasnt into imports, I might not know them at all. At no time does ANYONE at a honda dealership get a book or flyer or anything that decodes Honda engine codes or tranny codes. Not even the mechanics know the engines by the codes. THey use year/model/size/cams
Even the mechanics joke with me about all the interchangable parts that I have found or know that work. Also there are parts that Honda has listed as two seperate part numbers that are exactly the same in everyway, but one may be for an Accord and one for a Civic so it gets a different part number.

And in the case of aftermarket parts, alot of dealers have no idea what certain parts do so they are quick to not cover something under warranty because Honda wont pay the warranty claim.

Here is the trick: Just ask for the service manager and tell him you need him to sign a statement explaining the exact reason your intake caused your brakes to vibrate and let them know you intend to send it to his regional rep. They like being put on the spot like that.

Like this post isnt long enough.
Nalley Honda SUCKS South Honda's Ballz.

hehe Its a joke dammit LAUGH.


02-25-2003, 09:33 PM
What SouthHonda said.

No, the parts guys don't know the part # for a B16A head gasket. Can you pick "B16A" on the computer and proceed to look up bits for it? No. Can you look up "1999 Civic 2 dr SiR", go to "Engine" and look up parts? Yup. Did Honda design the computer lookup system with after-the-fact engine swaps in mind, or for their production cars? What do you think?

I know most of the engine codes, what kind of motor it is and what car it came in, mainly becuase it's my hobby, not becuase it's my job. I often get called by the Parts department to dechiper a parts request, becuase the person is asking for something based on engine code (or Chassis code). Save yourself the grief, figure out what the best equivilent vehicle is for the parts you need (Forget B18C, go with something like "1997 Integra GS-R"), and you'll get much better service, and a whole lot less confusion.

As for the warranty, no, they can't void your warranty unless they can prove that the modification casued the failure. For instance, it'd be pretty hard to prove that your cat-back exhaust caused your radatior to leak, but it's easy to prove that aftermarket springs caused a set of shocks to blow out.

If you're an enthusiast, try to find a dealership that employs one or more enthusiasts in their service or parts departments. Stuff that will confuse the average service advisor or parts guys (And lets face it, most of them don't care about performance or aftermarket stuff. They're there for the 99.8% of the customers who just want their car to work). I pride myself on having a pretty good knowledge base about Honda tuning, modifying, racing, and performance. Find someone like me at your local dealer, and you're set.

02-25-2003, 09:46 PM
I take my car to Nalley, but I buy parts from South Honda. Just to be fair. Strange isn't it. I'll most likely buy my next Honda from Honda South ( only after I get a quote from Nalley). This didn't have to do with the post but just wanted to say it.

02-25-2003, 09:50 PM
I would like to add that Honda of Seattle is OK, BUT the Dumb blonde that works as a service adviser should be fired. I made an apt: for Water leake in hatch area, and Idler pully noise. So she say they need the car for hole day.... No problem my wife will drive it down there, and they have a "courtesy shuttle" to drive her to work..

#1 wife drops off car.......She waits from 8 am to 9am before the Fucking shuttle takes her to work.

#2 Blonde Service lady calls @ 12 lunch time and say they haven't found any leak yet.

#3 I call @ 4pm I ask for Blonde Service lady, and ask her hows the leak going" we didn't find a leak but we did find a WET towel in the spare tire area" NO SHIT I used it to wipe up the fucking water from when it leaked..

#4 I ask about the IDLE pully noise. " You have an aftermarket intake, thats the noise you are hearing " I didn't ask about the intake........

#5 I WILL NEVER EVER take my car ro the dealship agin because of the lack of knowledge, Stupity, and lack of Respect.

Oh This is what pissed me off most of all.......... SOMEBASTERED JOYRIDED MY CAR. My wife call me and say " whats with the steering, Its loose like one of the wheels is going to fall off"

I get in the car and drive it.... let go of the wheel for a sec and the car starts vering to the right...Something is wrong with the car, it feels weird to drive..... Im so pissed.