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View Full Version : Newbie Just Wanted to Say "What UP!"

07-29-2002, 01:14 PM
Sup EP owners! My name is Chris from Las Vegas and I'm an Si addict. I used to be a regular on CivicHatchback.com as VegasEK. Then they started charging and most of the regulars left. I used to have a White 00 EK slightly modded with a nice drop, painted moldings, Si rims etc. It had the stock motor and I didnt feel like doing a swap. Anyhow, I thought I was getting too old for the scene and traded it in for an 02 Silver 4 Door. After all my friends got pissed and diswoned me, I finally got an 02 White Si and boy do I LOVE it. I love the rumble when you start it up, I love the seats, and the handling. I could go on about that in another post. But yeah, only had the car for a week and I have the same aspirations as many of you. But I guess that's it for my little bio. I look forward to chatting with all of you in the future. I included a pic of my old hatch and I wll post some new pics of the Si once I put some work into it.

Chris a.k.a. VegasEP

07-29-2002, 01:18 PM
Well that was a pleasant 1st post! Welcome aboard Chris! I was a member at civichatchback too, until they started charging the members. Too bad that site went downhill. At one point, I really liked it there. There seems to be quite a few ex-civichatchback members here!

07-29-2002, 01:19 PM
welcome you will enjoy this board alot by the sounds of it.

07-29-2002, 01:38 PM
welcome to da board!!!