View Full Version : Stupid Q sorry

03-02-2003, 01:21 AM
Whats the difference between catback and axelback exhausts? Most people I notice use catbacks and the one I want to get (tanabe super racing) is catback but I still dont know the difference between em. Also what are the pros and cons for each type?

03-02-2003, 02:19 AM
Catback and Axleback are exactly what they say.

The custom exhaust connects to the stock exhaust at either the "cat" (catalytic converter) or farther back near the axle.
Depends on the exhausts diameter in determining which one is best for the car. Catbacks usually give the best performance gains and are more expensive.

03-02-2003, 10:35 PM
Thanks for clearin that up for me (haha i sound like im talkin to a doctor)