View Full Version : Finished Borla Pics????

03-04-2003, 05:41 PM
I was pretty interested in the Borla exhaust for our cars but cannot find a pic of the system. I called Borla and they don't have any. I don't really want to buy a system without even seeing it. I love the fujitsubo dual tip. Deffinantly going to wait until a twin tip system is available. Let me know if anyone has a finished product picture. Thanks

03-04-2003, 08:24 PM

03-04-2003, 08:28 PM

03-04-2003, 08:34 PM
the second pic is the prototype unfinished product; notice the tack welding and plate between the tips?;)

03-04-2003, 08:40 PM
I hope steve sisnt piss off david....lol..... it would be nice to see some pics of the finished products, :cool:

03-04-2003, 09:55 PM
I don't care if he's posting pics of products, but he's not going to post where you can buy them at. It seems ok to come to a place where a ton of EP owners are, but when that place needs to funds to run, no ones interested.

Ain't happening on my shift. If he wants to sell them, he can pay like everyone else. I don't care who he is.

:p (So there!) ;)


03-05-2003, 03:16 PM
yes i love the way this one looks....fujitsubo the RM01a is alright....but i want the dual tip.

03-05-2003, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by ssvr6
I don't care if he's posting pics of products, but he's not going to post where you can buy them at. It seems ok to come to a place where a ton of EP owners are, but when that place needs to funds to run, no ones interested.

Ain't happening on my shift. If he wants to sell them, he can pay like everyone else. I don't care who he is.

:p (So there!) ;)


Gee, what a great attitude. Maybe with moderators like this the next time a major manufacturer wants to make a product for the EP and ask questions here, they wont.

What a stupid fucking rule/post/attitude.

Rolling down the Honda-Tech (shitty abused forum) road so quickly?

To make this fair... I host about 30 websites on my own server, I personally know of web hosts that support PHP and mySQL (ephatch.com's technology) and gives unlimited bandwitdth for about $100 a year --- so this we need money bit is wack, I have hosted shit for free for years... and yes sites that get SHITLOADS of hits... pick a new host, ease up the rules, etc... dont ruin this place with almighty moderators and attitudes about content...

03-05-2003, 04:34 PM
You're right. DTH should pay for all the bandwidth himself. Hell, where were you when we were all PayPal'ing him $ to keep this site up and running? Not here yet? Then you have nothing to say.

If this was free to DTH then yeah, you'd be right. But it's not. This is his site and if he wants to pass the fee along to vendors and make some cash on top of that, why not? It was his idea, it's sucessful enough, let him reap the benefits.

I'm not power hungry. I love Borla's stuff. Do you think we were going to get a phat deal until I locked his thread? Nope, I doubt it. They used us to get feedback, they made a great exhaust/header, and now they want to make money. Well, what does EPHatch get out of it? Nothing. Even though this site GAVE Borla the audience it needed FOR FREE.

So, get over yourself. I too have hosted a few sites. (Just finishing up one that's PHP/MYSQL based.) They're not as cheap as you think. That, or you're getting a great deal. QuickVWs.com costs me $180 a year (MS based) and my new site is about the same (much larger space for the databases and forum).

Again, it's a fair rule that EVERYONE needs to abide by.


david borla
03-06-2003, 12:58 PM
First of all I'd like to thank all of you again for your help. Especially those who founded and run this forum.

If the admistrator wants to contact me regarding promotional opportunities, I'd be more then happy to listen. Like I said, you've been a great help. You can email me at davidb@borla.com .

Regarding pictures; I'll have production pieces (header and cat-back) in 10 days or so. Once I have them, I'll take pics right away and post them. There are currently pictures of the prototype cat-back in this forum. The production piece will be much cleaner. Thanks for your patience.

03-06-2003, 02:10 PM
webhosting is expensive. way more than 100$/yr for any site that has more than 100 concurrent users at any given point in time.

I'm an admin on another honda related site that yields probably 10x the traffic of this forum, and is growing daily - it ain't cheap. but fortunately it's able to run off of private donations for now. But in time, the site will need to become self sustaining.

But anyhow, borla didn't "use" ephatch to get feedback. Members of ephatch invited him here, and he was nice enough to listen to what we had to say. Did ephatch pay for the dyno time during the development of the header/exhaust? did ephatch pay for the prototyping of the exhaust? the machine work involved? labor? Stack those expenses up to the cost of the bandwidth that his "feedback" required. And then compare that to the benefit that ephatch gained - increased user traffic - simply b/c of david's presence. Should EPhatch cut in the members that posted opinions that david borla used? are those opinions the property of the people that gave them, or of ephatch? who should glean the dollars that they may or may not earn?

So on one hand, I understand that the message board needs funds to stay alive, but on the other, locking his thread was unnecessary! why didn't you just PM him or email him and explain the board's advertising policies? To me it seems like he would have been reasonable if he was contacted before the thread lock occured.

Don't take it the wrong way, it's just some advice i'm offering up to the mods, from one message board to another.

Anyhow, I'm very interested to see the final pieces. I'm just really happy that borla stayed with the stock dual tip setup! :D

03-06-2003, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by chunky
why didn't you just PM him or email him and explain the board's advertising policies?

I would have if he hadn't disabled both in his profile. Since I'm the admin, I could have just looked up his email anyway, but I'll respect his privacy. (As I stated in the post that I locked.)

Again, I love Borla products, always have, always will. But rules are rules and I'm glad that Dave's being cool about it.

Thanks for understanding Dave.


03-14-2003, 02:18 PM
Less than two days till the production piece is ready!?! I hope!
I want one!

04-06-2003, 08:01 AM
awesome stuff! 550 catback
and 400 header!!;) :p ;) :D :D

04-06-2003, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by PaXiE
I hope steve sisnt piss off david....lol..... it would be nice to see some pics of the finished products, :cool:

Try here. http://ephatch.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11351

04-24-2003, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by I SELL HONDAS
awesome stuff! 550 catback
and 400 header!!;) :p ;) :D :D

21st Century has the exhaust for 380+30 or 40 for shipping!

get you like a 100 dollar discount!!!!
