View Full Version : Aftermarket fuel filters?

03-04-2003, 09:52 PM
Since my 36,000 mile tune up is coming up soon, I stopped by the dealership to check the pricing on a pcv valve & fuel filter.

PCV valve was a ripoff at 20+ bucks, but it'll be awhile before the auto parts stores start carrying a suitable alternative. =\ PCV valve is really important for maintaining good gas mileage, so I figure it's worth it.

But the real bitch of it was that the fuel filter was over 60 bucks!!!! What the hell? AEM's high flow fuel filters go for much less than that typically. Unfotunately they don't have a part # out yet. So I was wondering if there were any other leads on a quality aftermarket fuel filter?

I suppose I could run longer than 36,000 miles on the factory fuel filter since i've put nothing but premium in anyhow. But It's part of my 36,000 mile tune up routine.

03-05-2003, 06:45 AM
I was also looking into the same thing. I was thinking of retrofitting an AEM fuel filter. Possibility?

03-05-2003, 07:00 AM
What else is included in your 36K tune-up?

03-05-2003, 07:17 AM
I was a little skeptical about our fuel filters at first, but after seeing the diagram of it, it looks pretty decent. The old b-series fuel filters were good for a long time, I think 60,000 or 90,000 miles (I can't remember which). The k20's must be good for at least that long, Honda doesn't list a replacement mileage for it at all. It must be able to run a long time, they state to replace the filter when fuel pressure drops, but who ever checks fuel pressure unless you have the right tools. I woudlnt worry much about a secondary filter and keep running yours for a lot longer.
The filter looks to be about the size of a small softball.

I guess the pcv valve is more expensive due to it having a screw in base and being all metal now, compared to the older plastic styles which just popped into place. Always worth maintaining the pcv valve, they are easy to test though to see if they are working properly, plus you can clean them with some cleaning solvent as well, and re-use them if necessary.

03-05-2003, 08:04 AM
Originally posted by JSIR
I was a little skeptical about our fuel filters at first, but after seeing the diagram of it, it looks pretty decent. The old b-series fuel filters were good for a long time, I think 60,000 or 90,000 miles (I can't remember which). The k20's must be good for at least that long, Honda doesn't list a replacement mileage for it at all. It must be able to run a long time, they state to replace the filter when fuel pressure drops, but who ever checks fuel pressure unless you have the right tools. I woudlnt worry much about a secondary filter and keep running yours for a lot longer.
The filter looks to be about the size of a small softball.

I guess the pcv valve is more expensive due to it having a screw in base and being all metal now, compared to the older plastic styles which just popped into place. Always worth maintaining the pcv valve, they are easy to test though to see if they are working properly, plus you can clean them with some cleaning solvent as well, and re-use them if necessary.

the fuel filter will certainly run till 60,000 or 90,000 miles, but it starts getting clogged around 30,000 forcing the fuel pump to work harder. I also just like to do things well ahead of their failure point.

To be honest, I haven't even looked at the factory PCV valve. Screw in base sounds like a pain. but we'll see. . . .

03-05-2003, 08:05 AM
Originally posted by todaCspec
What else is included in your 36K tune-up?

outside of the normal oil change

tranny fluid change
brake bleed
clutch bleed
run a carbon cleaner (the kind that hooks up to the fuel rail)
and valve adjustment.
flush/fill radiator.