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View Full Version : P1 Automotive (Kinda Long)

03-05-2003, 09:54 PM
The quick and skinny:

Well, as some of you already know working as an engineer sucks ass now days. The market took a dump and tech jobs are sinking like the sticker price of my '02 SI (daymitalltohell).
I was approached by a pseudo friend of mine that had this "idea" of starting a REAL import shop, you know, NOT the kinda shop that sells lights, bags and gay chit like that. I've always had that idea in the back of my beer filled mind to try it but had not really had the push to do it.
Bob, the pseudo friend, is most likely the most detail oriented person I know. He was working for GM with the C5 Corvette racing team. An now works for Continental Tire, at least for a while longer, LOL.
Anylay, his ability to solve most any problem in his head while the rest of us use a slide rule or TI-85 and having built his Miata (power to weight less than 5:1, on pump gas and emissions legal!!) to roll all street bikes, I figured the team we could make together might just do well....?

So, just yesterday we finalized the lease (land) and signed it. The equipment will begin to show up early next week, they are as follows:

(1) Hunter GSP9700 Balancer http://www.hunter.com/pub/product/product.htm
(1) Hunter TC3500 Mounter http://www.hunter.com/pub/product/product.htm
(2) Two post lifts
(1) MD-500 Mustang Dyno http://www.mustangdyne.com/
which will allow for steady state tuning, a Dynojet CAN NOT DO THIS.

and various other chit: welder, metal bender, press, drill press, parts washer, compressor, plasma cutter, etc......................

We'll try to be fully up and running by April 1st but will be conducting business within a few days.

Don't worry, lot will be paved soon.


So, as you can tell we have alot riding on this..............only time will tell.

Yack- who will surely have a small open house for the expo caravan in April, and later, a Grand Opening TBA.


P.S. I can not spell and have zero grammer skillz

SiR Medic
03-05-2003, 10:09 PM
Sweet stuff!

NOT the kinda shop that sells lights, bags and gay chit like that

you mean you won't carry altezzas and neon?:o ;)

03-05-2003, 10:09 PM
Good luck guys :cool:

03-05-2003, 10:10 PM
Dream come true man, best of luck to you.

I'm in IT too and let me tell you if anything at all comes up that doesn't deal with code, servers or routers and I'm on it like....

03-05-2003, 10:15 PM
wow, that's great. Are you going to get into online vending?

03-05-2003, 10:23 PM
hell yeah tight shiet ill be sure to come check it out :D will yall be dealing with JDM parts i.e. engine, kits, ect..?

03-05-2003, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by B18CXr

We'll try to be fully up and running by April 1st but will be conducting business within a few days.

hahahaha good one, and its not even april fool yet. you know if you wait and tell us when its april fools it wold be much funnier. :cool:

03-05-2003, 10:45 PM
good stuff, i hope that the area your in has a large enough customer base of "real" enthusists and not just teenagers looking to get a loud exhaust for their moms toyota corrola. I think the reason most shops have crap parts are because those crap parts tend to pay the rent, and talking a kid out of a couple of hundred bucks for a ractive exhaust is allot easier than finding somone to take a titanium $1100 system off your hands. Good luck, and i wish there were real shops like yours where i lived:(

03-05-2003, 11:10 PM
south carolina isn't too far from me.

w00t. maybe i'll stop by sometime.

IceD out N CALI
03-05-2003, 11:26 PM
wow, congrats, and good luck

03-06-2003, 12:42 AM
best of luck...hope everything works out for you guys

03-06-2003, 01:05 AM
Good Luck. Hope eveything works out.

03-06-2003, 02:52 AM
make sure you get a website!

03-06-2003, 09:31 AM

we are currently finishing up the final design

03-06-2003, 09:39 AM
Originally posted by william
good stuff, i hope that the area your in has a large enough customer base of "real" enthusists and not just teenagers looking to get a loud exhaust for their moms toyota corrola. I think the reason most shops have crap parts are because those crap parts tend to pay the rent, and talking a kid out of a couple of hundred bucks for a ractive exhaust is allot easier than finding somone to take a titanium $1100 system off your hands. Good luck, and i wish there were real shops like yours where i lived:(

exactly, you will NOT survive w/o selling rice...
unless you live in an area extremely overpopulated with rich, hardcore race/show enthusiasts...
L.A.?? Miami?? New York??
never been to N.C. so i dunno how it is there, but i got a feeling you might be changing your tune about selling rice products shortly...