Sylvania Cool Blue (review)
I will keep this simple, and to the point.


These bulbs project very well on dark roads compared to stock bulbs, and mazdas stock bulbs perform well enough, So thats saying enough. the low beam on a dark road with no street lights projects with a 25% distance increase over the stock bulbs, the highbeam gives you a suprising 35% increase over stock. (with large night time wall projection wall tests)
Sidenote= these bulbs don't cut fog or rain very well so be aware of this. they are fair at fog/snow/rain.

Color/Style/Night time look

The color depth of this bulb is not there, the impression the packaging and advertising gives you would lead you to beleive your gonna get some degree of color out of these bulbs, if thats what your looking for, look somewhere else. the term cool blue doesn't have anything to do with the night time color projection. you will get a very faint touch of blue out of these.


Was it worth the price of 41$ Canadian from Canadian tire. Hard to say, if your looking for a bulb to add style or look to your car, then your better off looking elsewhere. if your looking for a good upgrade in the brightness department then these are a great purchase to upgrade over stock bulbs. Would you shell out 40 bucks for them. Maybe. But if your gonna spend that much money for brightness you might as well go for the silverstars. which are I think 400k brighter.

Indepth photos are coming guys give me a day or so more.
I have returned these bulbs and put on PIAA plasma GTX purple.