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  1. #1
    with a quickness ChapSchtick's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Orlando, FL

    Strut, Sway, Tie...Upper, Bars

    Ok, generic questions seem to sometimes get the most responses but this post wasn't meant to be so generic.

    My question is this, what's the difference between all these different bars? Besides the obvious placement of them, which does what, and what are the benefits/drawbacks of each?

    Example, there are rear upper and lower strut bars, and lower tie bars. Which one works the best or is that too broad and preferential? Can you have both, upper and lower? Or do they essentially do the same thing just in different ways?

    Curiousty is the bain of my existense :) Thanks for your help.

  2. #2
    Still Around...
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    hey... welcome to the site.

    To answer your questions about wtf bars, in it's simplicity - Strut bars stiffen up the chassis, while Tie bars and sway bars stiffen up suspension. Strut bars are bolted right to the body of the car, whereas the tie and sways are bolted to the suspension. Yes, you can definitely have all of them upgraded - Front Upper Strut, Front Sway, Rear Upper Strut, Rear Sway, Rear Tie, and other chassis braces (like D3Designs makes). The only drawbacks of these items most of the time is weight. But DC (as of now) makes titanium bars for this (light & strong).

  3. #3
    with a quickness ChapSchtick's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Orlando, FL
    now THAT makes sense. Thanks alot for clearing that up, and for the hardy welcome.

  4. #4
    Thanks for the info.

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