I cant move my car because of a broken shifter cable. i need to get a set pronto but i dont have the money to spend on the dealership (like 134.99) and i cant find a set on the internet, none currently on ebay. I ordered a set last week and last night i found out that they were out of stock, i paid like 55 bucks for em and got my money back, but today i could only shift into 2 and 4,while i searched for 1 3 and 5 without any success finding them. Amazing luck, right? So im pretty well screwed at the moment since i am not about to drive in 2 and 4.
So, does anyone know where i can get a set of cables for less than 80 bucks. any salvage yards near you that have an ep, any one you know parting one. please let me know cause i need to be operational ASAP.
