Morning all!

My EP left me stranded for a bit at work yesterday due to a dying/weak/dead battery. A quick replacement with a yellow-top which happened to luckily be around the corner from where I work solved the issue. While I was in the shop I glanced over and saw something called Scangauge II which was intended to help monitor your driving habits and in turn increase your MPG.

I've got a JRSC and not too concerned with MPG but I was intrigued to learn that this unit for 110.00, could monitor four separate inputs at one time and display them in real time (not sure what the latency would really be, if any). The only wriggle was that the manufacturer does not outright disclose what can be monitored or not. For me I would rather monitor coolant temperature, oil pressure/temp, boost (MAP), and probably battery voltage, kidding. So hopefully if I do decide to purchase I can at least get the readings I'm after.

Why I was interested in this was because I have a boost gauge already on my steering column albeit held on with electrical tape I had ordered last year, a three gauge pillar pod but held off installing it because it just seemed to clutter the interior more and the gauges were another 100 per plus install, I put that endeavor on hold.

So I'm interested to hear from those who have a scangauge II or even those who run various gauges for monitoring their engine either N/A, Turbo or Supercharged. Did you find it beneficial to be able to monitor your temps, pressure, voltage etc or was it an impulsive purchase and the luster wore off within a week or so, basically becoming a novelty, and you have since not glanced twice at it?