(Nothing new to see here yet)

With the new move it's time to start a new chapter. The first build is full of good what to dos and what not to dos and videos and lots of stuff. Such as going to an autox class with four different camber settings and 41 psi. http://www.ephatch.com/forum/showthr...-Build-Journal

This build, part will have some more fine tuning of the suspension, more weight pulling, and, hmmm, not much more. Oh, pics of Daufuskie, too.

Averaged 22.95 mpgs on the 2250 mile trip from Arizona to Daufuskie Island, S.C.

Edit 7/7/16; Whoah! Just caught this, 32.95 mpgs, not 22.95.

The EP's new home. Need to order the cover.

This is the first road I hit after the parking lot; a huge circle. I circle it twice doing esses to warm up the tires, motor and tranny. The roads are fun, smooth, and sticky here.