(cliffs posted at bottom)

Ok guys, I havent posted much here but if you would hear me out I would appreciate it.

I plan on purchasing a new car around april or so...(ballpark figure) and I really want an RSX-s. The reason for the new car purchase is that my parents are going through some steep finacial situations right now and i want to get my 01 civic payment off his back. (sigh)

If I plan on spending that much money I will be upgrading regardless. I don't think that I will be able to afford the type S and transfer to a larger university coming up fall of 03.

Are all of you really genuinely happy with the purchase of your car? I've sat in one. Loved it. Appearance, I see pure potential for something good to turn to something great. I have yet to drive one and will look into that tomorrow. Went once and all they had was one NBP. guess they are selling well. (it was showroom so no testdrive there :( )

I just don't want to feel cheated by anything. I am a Honda/Acura fanatic so I could care less about SER being cheaper. (imho its cheaper in more ways than one)

Cliff notes: I'm scared that I will not be happy if i purchase the new si. I need re-assurance that if I can't get a rsx-s then the si will suit me just fine. Im going for a test drive tomorrow. One more thing, 02's will be ending the 1st year about the time i plan to buy. Might just get one for under invoice. I always get jacked on deals!

thanks for your patience!