What I debating between is these two head units :

Alpine CDA 7995 or 9815

I can get the 7995 for 300 plus tax but I also know that I need an external amp for it, which would cost probably another 200-300 dollars.

I can get the 9815 for 340 with no tax and I wouldn't need an amp.

Yeah, it sounds like a no brainer but my friend said the 7995 would sound a lot better in my car because of the external amp. The only reason I haven't jumped on the 9815 is because Im not sure what it would look like in the car and what the difference in sound quality would be.

BTW i already have the 12 inch type r sub with a mono v12 amp for it. I think its the MRD-M300 amp.

So any pics and opinions of the 9815 and 7995 would be nice.