I believe honda is not the one to blame. Sure there are a few bad apples to account for, however I think this is a great tranny. Ask yourself if the tranny did it when you took it off the lot, and then think about the way you drive the car. Most of us probably drive it hard frequently; what it was meant to do.

I just don't understand how everyone has these problems, and mine has none. This also applies to any squeaking etc. My tranny is still as smooth as the day I bought it.

The real reason I think everyone is having problems, is the fact that because of the position, the si synchros may be more susceptible to short/long term damage due to everyone slamming gears. The traditional floor mount might make things a little less strenuous on the tranny when shifting gets harsh. I dunno. It just bugs me that everyone tries to make a petition to get free stuff from honda. (new synchros/trannies)

I know some will say, i've graduated through racing school and I know how to drive. I'm not trying to say that everyone who has tranny problems can't drive, but try and remember that we don't have a racing transmission. We have an aggressively geared 'civic' transmission. Harder shifting is usually slower than a smoother coordinated shift.

Im off the soapbox. Thanks for all who read this far, because it will more than likely stir up a lot of commotion and flaming instead of open-minded delegation and reasoning-- what ep hatch used to be.

-Alex :)