Since my CF Hood has loved the FL sun..but the scratches and what not hasnt.

So I am redoing it. - I have no prev body shop skills, this is just from reading on many different forums and trying it myself.

Parts needed
2x600 grit (i have some deep scratches)
Water bottle with couple drops of soap
Bowl of water to soak paper
bag o rags
Tack cloth
2x acrylic clear(will be prob doing something else soon)
Turtle Wax rubbing compound
case of beer
and time.

Here is how it looked.

Now I have tried everything from just about everything from just coating it with wax, and a shiner, to Mothers polish..yes. none worked.

Step 1 - Prep the hood by removing wax with clay bar, and degresser.
Step 2 - Place the hood either on the ground or up so can be worked on easily.
Step 3 - Spray the hood with water and start sanding with either the 600 or 800(Depending on damage)

Now you should be getting a white slime coming off the hood, that is the wax, and clearcoat.



Step 4 - Spray down hood and decide if needs more of the 600/800 or go to next. I needed more.

Step 5 (FOR 800 GRIT) - When sanding get it to look like this. All Oxidaton will be removed. THis is after sanding and letting it dry.

Step 6 - Wash and check again - This is after the 800. PHOTOS WITH WATER ON HOOD


Step 7 - Hit lightly with the 1000 -

Step 8 - Then buff. I didnt SPRAY during this. I decided to just try and buff it to see how it looked.

Step 9 - Wax. - After a day of sitting it went back to looking dull

So now I am in the process of spraying it.

Ill update it when i am done spraying it. If it doesnt come out, it will be getting a coat of VBP