hello everyone this is my first post.

i have a problemo... my ep3 had no seat belts or buckles in it when i got it. I searched for seat belt buckles and this forum came up on google and manny kid 15 had some buckles for sale so i have since purchased them from him and will be receiving them on july 3rd. In the meantime i went ahead and pulled my rear interior panels out and tried installing the seat belt assemblies i got from a 04 si parts car and it seems as if they are locked in place and i can make them unwind and be useable.

any tips or info on how to cure this problem? if my seat belt assemblies came from a wrecked car does it make them not usable?

please if anyone has any info let me know, i would be very appreciative.

(new member, and owner of a 04 NBP Si)