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  1. #1
    ephatch member EPHatchgirl's Avatar
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    Just an update- MuGeN PoWeR was not racing... feel free to lock...

    Bert's Dad, (the kid who died in the accident recently from the RSX forum) had asked people to pass this along. Here is his quoted post... the kid wasn't street racing.... feel free to lock it, I just wanted to pass this along.

    "Hi, just to introduce myself, I am Bert's Dad.( Mugan Power)

    I would first like to say thank you everyone's sincere prayers, thoughts and support.

    I would like to clear something up since rumor's have apparantly has got out of control.

    First of all, Bert's was not street racing, I know it sounds like a glorious way to go, but it is not. I say this not from what I would like to believe but from a witness who observe the whole accident and even helped to pull Bert out of the wreck. He has stated that Bert's car was northbound in the right lane of a 4 way highway to our house. One that Bert has drove home numerous of times. He observed that his car had suddenly pulled to the left and was immediatley out of control. There was not one car in front or behind him. It was a solo accident with no cars in the vicinity. He found it strange on how the car became out of control. I know that he may have been exceeding the 55 mph speed limit, but cannot explain why the sudden pull to the left and then the wheels locking up into a sideways slide back to the right and into a pole. I am not sure but am suspect maybe a maybe a mechanical problem, as the front left wheel roter was broke in half and sticking out. the pole hit the drivers door, not the wheel. the tow truck driver said he never seen a rotor broken in that way. So we will try and check to see what had happen. btw, the witness was a Naval Police Officer. I am just trying to find out what happen.

    We miss Bert like no one could understand unless you have loss a son of your own. Again Thanks for the nice comments.

    BTW, I do not condone street racing. It is dangerous to everyone. But to the one's who are glad for the death, I say you are some sad individuals. You should know what you are talking about before throwing words around so recklessly. But I guess words don't kill, they just hurt for a long time.

    I don't feel that Bert at 17, deserved to die even if he slammed on the brakes, Isn't that what ABS is for?

    Again Thanks for the thoughts and prayers,

    Bert, Sr."

    So regardless of how wrong street racing is, at least THIS death was not attributed to it....

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    I am sorry for your loss, and would never say "I'm glad" a person in that situation was/is dead.

    Had he not be traveling at such an excessive speed, he might have survived. Maybe not. If a person is going to take risks like that (believe me, I have done so) then you have to accept the consequences.

    Unfortunately, your family members are unwilling ride alongs when you do things like this.

  3. #3
    Hondaphile iR-VTEC2's Avatar
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    it was not her loss my friend. the dude was from Still.....very sad.

  4. #4
    ephatch member
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    Please Update
    It is a terrible loss and I'm very sorry.

    Mr. Miller how do you know how fast he was traveling by the way?

  5. #5
    frank and beans! chunky's Avatar
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    was his seatbelt on?

    that makes the difference between life & death in this sort of situation.

  6. #6
    Nail-batter Moderator SiR Medic's Avatar
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    Good to have this cleared up.

    I still have the opinion that street racing is very wrong. However, under no circumstances was I glad that he died. Although I am admitedly de-sensitized to death, do not mistake that for lack of compassion.

    It's too bad that just because someone was killed in a modded up RSX, people AUTOMATICALLY ASSUME that it is because of street racing.

  7. #7
    Registered User
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    Swamp: I don't. I read the posts about his friend who 'guesstimated' his speed, and his other friends remembering how "he liked to drive fast".

    Assumption extrapolated from assumptions. Sorry if I offended you.

  8. #8
    Bad Boy Sb00's Avatar
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    i knew bert and he was a good guy, that post that's goin around with a pic of his speedo that said 150 or so was photoedited so those who are talkin crap about that pls drop it (not saying anyone on ephatch is)

    bert will be missed :( rip my friend

  9. #9
    ephatch member
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    Jun 2002
    thats a sad story:(

  10. #10
    Hi 02SiHB's Avatar
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    Nov 2002
    Lock this shit... It's sad. But you know how many people die in accidents like this everyday??? Jeeze. I feel bad for this guy's family, but damn this is on every single web board and unless you know the guy I doubt anyone will change their driving habits over this. Sad but true.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    really sounds like a mechanical failure, wonder if he had aftermarket rotors installed on the car, perhaps they weren't installed properly and worked themselves loose.

    Crusing the highway over the speed limit isn't unheard of, I'd say a high percentage of drivers do that on a regular basis. Having a mechanical failure and hitting a pole at the same time is a bad string of events. very unfortunate.

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